Chancellor Rishi Sunak 20/3/2020 Statement

Following our 19/3/2020 blog the chancellor Rishi Sunak made more unprecedented announcements in his statement on 20/3/2020, giving more updates on income help including for the self-employed and for businesses. In his statement he announced  

“Our Plan for People’s Jobs and Incomes, will: * Protect people’s jobs; * Offer more generous support to those who are without employment; * Strengthen the safety net for those who work for themselves; * And help people who stay in their homes”.

“Today I can announce that, for the first time in our history, the government is going to step in and help to pay people’s wages.”

Read it all  here.

We remind all our Landlords and Tenants, if you have any concerns please do contact the AB Team and we will endeavour to assist you.