Alexandre Boyes Dignity at Work Policy

Policy Statement

Alexandre Boyes take the wellbeing of our employees seriously. The purpose of this statement is to make it clear that all Alexandre Boyes Group members of staff should be treated with dignity and respect, and not be subject to unreasonable behaviour, harassment, and bullying.

Who is covered by the policy?

All staff members including Directors, full time, part time and temporary employees, apprentices, and contractors. Any unreasonable behaviour, harassment or bullying either at work, outside of the workplace at work related appointments, meetings, visits, social functions or other. During work hours and outside work hours for work connected matters. It covers the actions by third parties such as clients, freeholders, leaseholders, tenants, landlords, vendors, applicants, residents, customers, suppliers, contractors or visitors to our premises or properties. Our aim is to ensure our employees feel supported in the event they do experience this type of behaviour.

What is Unreasonable Behaviour?
Examples of unreasonable behaviour when liaising with our staff:

Being unreasonably persistent – for example, ringing us frequently or arranging meetings to raise points already addressed; sending us voluminous repetitive or irrelevant emails or letters; persistent chasing, making unreasonable demands, setting unreasonable and / or unachievable response timeframes (Note that there is no set period for being unreasonably persistent as the nature of the persistence will inevitably vary.)

Rudeness – swearing (generally or directed at a member of staff), persistent interruption, name calling or general discourtesy.

Anger – shouting.

Aggressive behaviour – threats of physical harm to person(s) or property; behaviour which indicates that physical harm to person(s) or property is imminent or actual physical aggression.

Insulting or disparaging remarks or comments on the grounds of an individual’s sex, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, race, colour, national or ethnic origin, religion, belief, or age; where those comments are intended to cause distress, offence, defamation and other such upset or harm; intended to bully, harass staff.


We consider harassment to be unreasonable behaviour either physical, face-to-face, by phone, verbal, non-verbal conduct, behaviour, and language, and in any written form e.g. letter, electronic communication, messaging, social media, and internet. It is behaviour, actions, language verbal and written, conduct, intentions which make an employee feel distressed, humiliated or threatened. Where the purpose or effect is to violate a person’s dignity, be offensive, create an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for them in any setting, through any form, on a single or multiple occasion.


We consider bullying to be unreasonable behaviour that is offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting conduct, physical conduct and contact, speech or behaviour which makes someone feel vulnerable, intimated, upset, or threatened, causes them any physical harm. It could take place in any setting and be conducted through any form as outlined in ‘unreasonable behaviour’ ‘harassment’.

These lists are not exhaustive, and we reserve the right to vary them from time to time.

Avoiding Dignity at Work issues

We aim to avoid third parties feeling that they need or want to behave unreasonably towards us by communicating clearly, professionally and with respect. We aim to manage third party expectations of the service we provide, provide likely/realistic timescales of our contact wherever possible, and communicate within a reasonable timeframe where there might be factors that may impede or delay communications or action.

Where staff feel that they need help in dealing with queries they cannot answer, or unreasonable behaviour, harassment, bullying they can ask for help from a member of the management team or more experienced colleagues.

In the event that unreasonable behaviour, harassment, bullying is being exhibited by a third party in a telephone call we may look to schedule a call back to allow time for a situation to naturally defuse. If it occurs during a face-to-face meeting, the staff member will normally adjourn / terminate the meeting and seek assistance, again giving time for the situation to naturally defuse. You will be asked to leave the premises.

What should a third party expect?

Should an employee feel that they have suffered any form of unreasonable behaviour, harassment, bullying, by any means, at any time, by a third party the employee will report this to their line Manager and/or Group Director. Alexandre Boyes will consider what action may be appropriate to protect and support our staff.

Wherever possible, we will give the third party the opportunity to change their behaviour or action before a decision is taken. For example, if someone shouts or swears at a member of staff during a telephone call, we will ask them not to do this. If they persist in doing this, we will warn them that we will terminate the call and if they persist, we will follow that through. The staff member who terminates the call will report this to their line manager at the time that this happens.

For example where third parties are unreasonably persistent we will ask them to reduce their contact with the office to that which is absolutely essential. If our request is ignored, we will take steps to limit their contact with the office / member/s of staff. We will also do this where there is unreasonable behaviour, harassment and / or bullying. Such steps might include requiring contact in a particular form – for example by letter only; requiring telephone contact on specified days or at specified times; or insisting that contact is only made with specific staff member(s). In exceptional circumstances, we may refuse to have further contact with individuals who are unreasonably persistent or abusive. Where we put limitations on contact with the office.

When a decision has been made by the Group Director to reduce or curtail access to our service, the third party will be told in writing why a decision has been made to restrict future contact, the restricted contact arrangements and, if relevant, the length of time that these restrictions will be in place. This ensures that the third party has a record of the decision.

For example where third parties make unreasonable demands, for example for a particular outcome to an enquiry; or for us to deal with an enquiry/case in a particular way, we will clearly explain our reasoning as to why we cannot do this.

For example where we receive threats or there is physical abuse against individual staff members or office property we will immediately consider what action should be taken. This may include informing the police or other emergency services.

In the event that action needs to be taken, we will make a detailed note of events, including the unreasonable behaviour, harassment, bullying and any action taken to mitigate it which may include informing the police, instructing solicitors, reporting issues to Freeholders / Landlords where the action is a tenant, leaseholder, or resident, and to terminate our services. This will be recorded on the third party’s record.

We highly value our Alexandre Boyes team, and we appreciate your support in our efforts to support them.